
My friend with a high IQ and a poor memory
carries a journal in his back pocket
in which he scrawls seemingly-important
information for the future
gathered from local bars
in the present.


Liked: new hipster IPA at Main St. Pizza

Disliked: third slice of pepperoni following 7 new hipster IPAs on a work night


I’m big on notes, too.


Neon yellow Post-Its decorate my cubicle
Piecing together someone else’s life
Confirmed PTSD stressor: IED blast
resulting in multiple casualties from unit


The note in my head remembers that disinfectant
only works on wounds that are visible


The notes in my purse
are things I’d like to say at therapy
but don’t always
It’s more organic
to just vomit out words instead
and see where the path takes us


The note for Twitter has a lengthy title-
People in the U.S. who have died
due to lack of insulin access:


There are three names that we know of
And honor where we can
We hope that note stays stagnant
Never updated again


The To-Do list reminds you that
Life’s too short


The doctor’s electronic health record
reveals the same thing it always has
Diagnostic codes, plus an afterthought
She’s too smart for her own good and
has made this harder than it has to be


The grocery store menu doubles as
a Millennials’ dating app:
-Something healthy
-Something fun and easy


The footnote is the hat tip to
Someone likely smarter than you
Whose brain imprinted upon the earth first


The Notebook set the highest bar


The tattoo was supposed to be a Bible verse
about how nourishment is felt deeper
if you’ve known hunger beforehand


The birthday card note reads
Here’s a cute animal photo!
I hope this year is better
You deserve to be happy