Good Vibes

I am excited to join HealthiVibe’s patient steering committee, composed of key opinion leaders from diverse areas of healthcare.  Together, we are dedicated to driving the patient advocacy perspective in clinical trials and drug development.  My disclosures can be found here.

I am not shy about my feelings towards a type 1 diabetes cure: We are long overdue.  Clinical trials and drug development get us that much closer to improving quality of life for people with various health conditions.  I appreciate the opportunity to work with the creative minds at HealthiVibe and on the steering committee to foster this greater cause, to hope in a better future.

Many of my close friends are Veterans and Service Members.  They admirably answered the call to serve a purpose larger than themselves.  They sacrificed their time during deployments, as did their families who supported them from afar.  They, perhaps, went through physical and emotional pain while in service, and afterwards.  They signed up when not everyone is brave enough to do so.  They knew that their contributions could make a positive difference in the world.  They are modern day heroes and heroines.

I view clinical trial participation and drug development similarly.  Those who sign up for these scientific inquiries sacrifice their time.  They take the pledge knowing that not everyone else does, and that there may be emotional and physical effects on their lives.  They show up anyway because they can make a difference.  Even if a clinical trial does not yield the best case scenario results – diabetes or cancer is not yet cured, for example – we still garner invaluable information from the process.  We learn more about what works and what does not.  We cannot get there without those who volunteer, who serve a purpose larger than themselves much like my Veteran and Service Member friends.

We are currently at a crossroads in healthcare.  On one side, innovation and opportunity are promising.  On the other, access and affordability remain real world barriers to lifesaving and life-sustaining treatment.  We need cures and attainable, high-quality healthcare for many conditions, from type 1 diabetes and more.  And to get there, we need clinical trials and drug development to meet those in the trenches where they are, to lift up the mission for improved quality of life for all.

I welcome your insights as I work closely with HealthiVibe’s steering committee to advise on such matters.  Thank you to HealthiVibe and to the members of the steering committee for the opportunity to collaborate.


