
Very Light, No Sugar celebrated its sixth anniversary this September. Every year I am humbled to remember that this website has been read by people in more than 100 countries worldwide. Other aspects of life have taken up more of my time and energy in recent years, and I have certainly reduced my blogging frequency. I am slowly learning to accept that perhaps this is just how the tide rolls sometimes, yet I still cannot quite let this blog go completely.

I’ll be honest: I feel a bit out of the loop in terms of DOC stuff lately. Snippets on Twitter allude to the latest in DOC news or passionate talking points, and I sense the gist of the backstory but do not quite know it all more often than not. Again, that is okay. Now is others’ time to shine and my time to listen. But it is not an excuse to be complacent on my part when there are inequities in diabetes, and healthcare at large. We can definitely do better, and although I may not be as vocal as I once was, I am still rooting for the good eggs and a better world for all people with diabetes.

Thank you to those in our community who have become friends over the years, those who have been along for the full ride- the ups and downs of life akin to a wild Friday night Dexcom graph, and to those who care about improving our quality of life throughout it all. Here’s to many more years together.

