Rx straddles the ledge

Rx straddles the ledge

of the countertop

His hand shakes as he reaches

Rx drops

He screams

as the glass splinters

all over the floor

and into his foot

the droplets of life

now mingled in with the dirt

from inside and out

holes punched in the wall

of the kitchen

where he can no longer feed

without those tiny droplets.

What good is the dirt?


For a life that is so fragile

soft and precarious

so dependent on these molecules

and conversations

and circumstances,

it sure as heck

feels weathered

and hard.




No Rules Poetry

What would have been?


What would have been?

if the right provider

had asked the right questions

and I’d replied honestly

all those years ago.

“Why is your blood sugar chaotic?”

“Because life is chaotic…”

Firm, and to the point

the question and the answer.

And the response?

Or if the nurse /

who connected me to the doctor /

who helps me to stay afloat now /

had been my nurse then /

and she’d been my doctor.


What would have been

What is

What will be

Still swimming



No Rules Poetry

Docto Interview

Many thanks to Docto for our fun interview, which can be found here.  I enjoyed learning more about the Docto app, which uses algorithms to predict blood glucose levels an hour in advance (docto.me)!  I believe there is great potential with this app not only in terms of physical health outcomes, but also in easing the emotional concerns that go hand-in-hand with diabetes.

Having detailed knowledge as to where my blood sugar might be headed an hour from now would allow me to make more informed insulin dosing decisions.  It would also mitigate my anxiety in that the unknown, sometimes-scary diabetes stuff will become known before it even happens.  Docto literally makes the unpredictable more predictable, which is music to my ears from a holistic diabetes management perspective.

Docto did not ask me to write this blog post, but I want to say it:  I am impressed with Docto’s dedication to making diabetes management better for our community, as well as their genuine interest in learning more about the diabetes experience from those who live it firsthand.  Our interview renewed my hope that the diabetes burden will become lighter for all of us in the future thanks to healthcare innovation and teams like Docto.  I encourage readers to visit docto.me to learn more.