
This month marked 32 years of living with type 1 diabetes for me. Honestly, it was just another day at this point. The week was emotional for different reasons, and diabetes was in the background. What a contrast to that time over three decades ago, in which I was in DKA and fighting to survive, hooked up to beeping heart monitors and IV drips.

I’m grateful this year for Tandem’s T:slim pump, particularly. This device is the reason I get some reprieve from the constant managerial aspects of T1D. It is why on my thirty-second diaversary, diabetes did not have the spotlight this year. How I wish we’d known all that time ago what we know now- but that we would have understood that access has never been a level playing field, too.

Until there is equitable access to diabetes supplies and treatments, our work remains after all this time.

To 32 more…

One thought on “32.

  1. Oh darn it you are catching up with me again. OK, you laid down the challenge now I will need to gt one more year. On June 21, I will be on number 49. I do hope you get 32 more. I am way more day by day at this point. But it is you young ins that keep catching up with me that keeps me going. Especially you and that darn Kelly Kunik. LOL

    Actually I tease, I hope you both live until you are 120


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