Health Tech, Brains, and Bodies

Many thanks to my Stanford MedX friend, Mark Freeman, as well as Matt and Daniela, for having me on the Everybody Has A Brain podcast to chat about wearable health technology.

These awesome folks are responsible for one of my favorite healthcare takeaways: Everybody has a brain.  If you have a brain, then you have mental health.  Let’s normalize the conversation, then.

Mark and I discussed the pros and cons of my Dexcom continuous glucose monitor (CGM) experience, to include physical and mental components of using health technology.  I even sent along a not-so-perfect CGM photo to illustrate the sometimes-wonky T1D reality of Dexcom alerts.  Matt and Daniela then continued the chat on wearables.

Please take a listen (link below), and check out to see other cool content.

Everybody Has A Brain podcast