
Very Light, No Sugar celebrated its seventh blogoversary last month.

Transparently, I often post once monthly nowadays simply to say that I still do so, which I recognize could be an unhealthy habit. The brutally honest answer is that other responsibilities take up a disproportionate amount of my time lately- by virtue of surviving my own healthcare journey and paying those bills by working (probably) too hard. I hope to one day return to blogging with the previous fervor and passion, and perhaps that is why I still post, however infrequently- in the hopes that I find my way back someday.

There are other mediums of advocacy such as attending events or discussing with friends, and perhaps I have simply ebbed and flowed with the times. I imagine other bloggers and advocates relate to this tempo of balancing life, blogging, and beyond. I certainly concede that diabetes blogging does not revolve around me; however, as for this blog, this explains my current status. There is no set in stone rhythm when writing, and perhaps acknowledging that is advocacy in and of itself.

Whatever the case may be, please know that I am forever grateful for those in over 100 countries who have visited this website and supported healthcare advocacy over the years. Undoubtedly, we have helped others through our collective mission, and for that reason, it is always worth it.

